The First Annual Hercules & Xena ConventionBurbank Hilton Convention Center
January 11 & 12, 1997
Saturday was devoted to Hercules, and Sunday to Xena. I've got a few pictures from both available. (thumbnails at the bottom of the page) I have a greater appreciation now for all the actors and techs who work so hard to make these shows as fun, stimulating, and thought-provoking as they are. We heard from Steve Sears ("Tyldus") and Liz Friedman on the production aspects of the shows, Rob Tapert the Exec. Producer divulged a few secrets, editor Robert Field ("Avicus") demonstrated editing techniques and shared a blooper reel with us, and a group from Flat Earth talked about the special effects they work so hard to make real on screen. The Charity Auctions were incredible! On Saturday, an original Hercules shirt went for $1500, but that's nothing compared to Sunday. A devoted Xenite with lots of discretionary income took home a real "Xena: Warrior Princess" chakram for $8500!!!! Two cardboard stand-ups of Xena went for $500 each, and the bids on the original Xena scripts were not too far behind.
What you'll find here:
Thumbnails of Con photos